Archives: Grants

David Gallo, Ph.D.

Aging Effects on Visual Memory Resolution

Dr. David Gallo’s experiments will advance our understanding of aging effects on visual memoryresolution, a topic with considerable value to an aging society. Visual memories are known todepend on the…

William Green, Ph.D.

Neuromuscular Junction

In the proposed research, we will examine the role specific domains of the protein rapsyn in thedevelopment of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Rapsyn is part of the scaffolding on thepostsynaptic…

Nicholas Hatsopoulos, Ph.D.

Motor Cortex

The proposed research will investigate the neural basis of coordination in reach-to-grasp andfeeding/chewing systems. Behaviorally we will study reaching and grasping for food, and-to-mouth feeding, ingestion, and mastication. We will…

Naoum Issa, M.D., Ph.D.

Early Visual System

The overall goal of our lab is to understand how complex visual scenes are represented in thecentral nervous system. Our current understanding of the brain suggests that basic features ofimages…

Adil Javed, M.D., Ph.D.

Devic’s disease by Adil Javed

This study will address several questions: 1A) are the inflammatory cytokines and immune cellssimilar in patients with Devic’s disease vs. peripheral Sjogren’s disease; 1B) what is the identityof cytokines and…

Chunyu Liu, Ph.D.

Brain Function

We were taught that changes in genes take place over many generations and through years ofnatural selection. Would you be surprised to learn that our environment and the choices wemake…

Jason MacLean, Ph.D.

Sensory and Motor Cortex

Spinal cord injuries sever the connections between the brain and the spinal cord resulting inparalysis. There are networks of neurons contained within the spinal cord termed centralpattern generators, which generate…

Danyan Mao, Ph.D.

Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine is the major addictive substance in tobacco. Its action on the nicotinic receptors in thebrain is the initial step that sets off a series of transient and persistent adaptive…

James A. Mastrianni, M.D., Ph.D.

Prion Disease by James A. Mastrianni

There is a great urgency to better understand the manner in which prions (PrPSc) generate andpropagate, as BSE (mad cow disease) is currently a major health threat abroad and the…

Brian J. Prendergast, Ph.D.

Cancer-Induced Depression

There is a strong correlation between physical illnesses and mood disorders. This relationship isparticularly robust for cancer and depression; cancer patients carry a 50% risk of majordepression. Clinically-speaking, cancer-associated depression…

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