Epilepsy by Dane Chetkovich, 2009

Gene Therapy for Treatment of Epilepsy
2009 Seed Grant
Dane Chetkovich, M.D., Ph.D.
Northwestern University

Epilepsy is a brain disorder of abnormally increased brain excitability that leads to seizures. A
person is considered to have epilepsy when he or she has two or more unprovoked seizures.
Advances in therapeutics have improved the lives of patients with epilepsy, yet seizures
refractory to medical intervention remain a significant cause of disability. Additionally, many of
the patients who do achieve acceptable control of seizures with anti-epilepsy drugs suffer side-
effects from multi-drug combinations or high dosages, and may still develop drug resistance.
Surgical removal of seizure-producing areas of the brain can control seizures in some patients,
but is less effective in others. Thus, although substantial strides have been made in treating
epilepsy, new therapies are warranted to help the many patients who suffer intractable seizures
or complications from medical or surgical treatment efforts. Dr. Dane M. Chetkovich is using his
2009 BRF Seed Grant to attempt to develop new epilepsy treatments to better the lives of these

The abnormal brain excitability that causes seizures often results from genetic or acquired
deficiencies in ion channels that control neuronal excitability. Ion channels are proteins that form
a pore across the plasma membrane of cells. In neurons, these channels help regulate the
electrical activity by controlling the flow of ions across the membrane. When the regulation is
disrupted leading to a seizure, neurons may fire, or send signals on to other neurons in patterns
that are very different from normal.

Dr. Chetkovich is focusing on a likely candidate for explaining abnormalities of excitability in
both hereditary and acquired epilepsy—the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated
(HCN) channel (h-channel). The h-channel family of ion channels consists of four different
genes, HCN1-4, and has been implicated in epilepsy in animals and human patients. Dr.
Chetkovich’s project will examine whether using engineered viruses to produce HCN2 in
abnormal areas of epileptic brain can stop seizures. These experiments aim to develop and test
techniques for viral gene therapy in an animal model of epilepsy with the ultimate goal of
translating these techniques to patients with intractable epilepsy.

With his 2009 BRF Seed Grant, Dr. Dane M. Chetkovich generated enough data early on that
allowed him to submit a grant proposal to NIH. In 2010, Dr. Chetkovich was awarded an R21
(an exploratory/developmental research grant provided by NIH) in the amount of $275,000.
The ultimate goal of Dr. Chetkovich’s research is to have his technique of gene therapy
treatment for epilepsy get translated to patients that are otherwise resistant to medical and
surgical therapy.

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